Cupboard from the Apartment Magda Mautner-Markhof
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Josef Hoffmann

Cupboard from the Apartment Magda Mautner-Markhof

Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Date Around 1903

Epoque 20th century

Origine Austria, Vienna

Medium Wood, Brass, Glass

Dimension 240 x 345 x 47 cm (94¹/₂ x 135⁷/₈ x 18¹/₂ inches)

Softwood corpus, veneered with exotic woods, inlays of different woods, inside veneered with maple, alpaca fittings and rods, the centre-piece with bossed cut glass doors
Original condition, professionally restored, some pieces of the inlay completed

Date: Around 1903

Epoque: 20th century

Origine: Austria, Vienna

Medium: Wood, Brass, Glass

Dimension: 240 x 345 x 47 cm (94¹/₂ x 135⁷/₈ x 18¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: Apartment Magda Mautner-Markhof, Vienna


Innendekoration, vol. XVI, Stuttgart and Darmstadt 1905, ill. p. 182
Eduard F. Sekler, Josef Hoffmann. Das architektonische Werk, Salzburg and Vienna 1982, ill. p. 277, WV 68
Exhibition catalogue "Josef Hoffmann. Architect and Designer 1870-1956", Galerie Metropol, Vienna 1981, ill. p. 9

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Galerie bei der Albertina - Zetter

Austrian Paintings, Sculptures and Design Objects from the 20th and 21st Century

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