Galerie Tamenaga

About the Gallery
Galerie Tamenaga was founded in 1969 in Tokyo as the first art gallery specializing in the European masters and we are extremely proud to mark the 50th anniversary, which is a significant milestone in our journey.
Throughout the last half century, we introduced Modern European masters to Japanese art market, and we continuously fostered the young talented artists and presented to collectors from four corners of the worlds.
After establishing the foundation in Japan and France, we have expanded our activities further to the USA and Asia to become the bridge between culture, mind and arts likewise in this globalized world.
When art is utilised as an instrument for a money game in recent years, Galerie Tameanga will remain as a platform to deliver the finest art that will touch the heart of people as how an art gallery is ought to be.
7-5-4 Ginza, Tokyo, Japan
18, av. Matignon, 75008, Paris, Japan
1-4-1 Shiromi, Chuo-Kuosaka, Japan