Galerie Bernard de Grunne

About the Gallery
Bernard de Grunne has been immersed in the world of Tribal Fine Arts for
more than 40 years. After earning a Ph.D. in African Art at Yale University
in 1987, he became the worldwide head of the Tribal Art department
at Sotheby’s until 1992. He started dealing for his own account in 1995,
offering the finest quality in Sub-Saharan African, Oceanic and Indonesian
Tribal Art. B. de G. enjoys a solid international reputation for authenticity,
scholarship and professionalism. He has been advisor to some of the finest
private collections formed in the last two decades in the US and Europe,
and he is the author of many books and articles about the arts of many books and articles about the arts of Africa.
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 180, 1050 , Brussels, Belgium