Fighting Dagger
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Fighting Dagger

Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Date 19th century

Period 1750-1850, 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin Melanesia

Medium Carved wood, Sting-ray barb

Dimension 27.3 x 5.2 x 4.8 cm (10³/₄ x 2 x 1⁷/₈ inches)

A very fine fighting dagger composed of a sting-ray barb set into a carved wood handle decorated with a large ancestor head. The ferule is decorated with glass trade-beads. Admiralty Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, PNG, Melanesia. Wood with putty-nut (parinarium), sting-ray barb and trad-beads.

Date: 19th century

Period: 1750-1850, 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin: Melanesia

Medium: Carved wood, Sting-ray barb

Dimension: 27.3 x 5.2 x 4.8 cm (10³/₄ x 2 x 1⁷/₈ inches)

Provenance: Ex coll. : Jim Davidson, Melbourne ; Dieter Zenz, Germany. Exhibited : Gal. Meyer circa 1992.

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Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Tribal Art dealer specializing in early Oceanic Art since 1980 and archaic Eskimo Art since 2010

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