Severo Calzetta da Ravenna

Ink Well


Date 1500

Period 1400-1600, 15th century

Origin Italy, Padua

Medium Bronze

Dimension 19 x 23 cm (7¹/₂ x 9 inches)

Attributed to the workshop of Severo Calzetta da Ravenna 
(Active c. 1496 – c. 1543)

Date: 1500

Period: 1400-1600, 15th century

Origin: Italy, Padua

Medium: Bronze

Dimension: 19 x 23 cm (7¹/₂ x 9 inches)

Provenance: With Schubert Antichita, Milan
Giorgio Corsi Collection, Italy
Private collection, Italy

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Haute Epoque Fine Art

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