A Maiden Composing a Letter
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A Maiden Composing a Letter

Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Date 1830

Period 1750-1850, 19th century

Origin India, Punjab

Medium Ink, Opaque watercolour, Gold on paper

Dimension 25 x 19 cm (9⁷/₈ x 7¹/₂ inches)

42cm x 36cm including frame
Possibly from a Rasikapriya series
Punjab Hills, Himachal Pradesh, Kangra or Guler,

The maiden is seated in a pavilion and rests against a brightly coloured orange and green bolster composing a love letter. She is elaborately dressed with pearls and gold jewellery; her dress and veil are finely painted with details of gold patterns on her white dress. Her attendant is garbed in a green and gold dress and leans in from the window holding a pale yellow fan for the maiden. The miniature is framed with white and yellow alternating flowers on a dark blue border with orange stripes. See a similar Rasikapriya work in Dehejia, Rasikapriya: Ritikavya of Keshavdas in Ateleirs of Love, DK Printworld, 2013, p. 187, pl. 5.14.

Stock no.: A4296

Date: 1830

Period: 1750-1850, 19th century

Origin: India, Punjab

Medium: Ink, Opaque watercolour, Gold on paper

Dimension: 25 x 19 cm (9⁷/₈ x 7¹/₂ inches)

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Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Indian,Islamic and Cross-Cultural Works of Art

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