Iznik Dish

Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Date 1650-1675

Period 1600-1750, 17th century

Origin Turkey

Medium Ceramic

Dimension 30 cm (11³/₄ inches)

The circular dish contains eight rumi scrolls pointing towards the centre painted on a turquoise ground and encircled by another set of scrolls. The cavetto displays a series of overlapping rumi scrolls on a blue and turquoise ground. The rim of the dish is decorated with cobalt blue rosettes with a bole red centre flanked by two turquoise leaves sprouting out from a small blue floral sprig. The exterior of the dish is painted with alternating blue and green floral buds.
As the 17th century commenced, the Ottoman Empire became less-affluent as a result of the numerous military campaigns they had launched in neighbouring lands. The funding to the Iznik potters abated and, in conjuction with a loss of patronage by the court, Iznik wares began to fall out of favour. As a result, Iznik painted decoration and potting in the 17th century is quite dissimilar to that of the highly-controlled and meticulous painting seen on 16th-century Iznik wares.

Stock no.: A4560

Date: 1650-1675

Period: 1600-1750, 17th century

Origin: Turkey

Medium: Ceramic

Dimension: 30 cm (11³/₄ inches)

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Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Indian,Islamic and Cross-Cultural Works of Art

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