Celle qui fut la Belle Heaulmière
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Auguste RODIN

Celle qui fut la Belle Heaulmière

David Lévy & Associés

Date 1885-1887

Period 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin France

Medium Bronze, Black patina

Dimension 50.6 x 34 x 24.2 cm (19⁷/₈ x 13³/₈ x 9¹/₂ inches)

Date: 1885-1887

Period: 1850-1900, 19th century

Origin: France

Medium: Bronze, Black patina

Dimension: 50.6 x 34 x 24.2 cm (19⁷/₈ x 13³/₈ x 9¹/₂ inches)

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David Lévy & Associés

Modern & Post-War Art

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