Leo Copers
"Z.T." "S.T." "U"
Ronny Van De Velde
Date 2012
Period 21st century
Origin Belgium
Date: 2012
Period: 21st century
Origin: Belgium
19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings
More artworks from the Gallery
Georges Morren
Trois Zélandaises en promenade du dimanche (Drie Zeeuwse vrouwen op zondagwandeling), 1899
Marcel Stobbaerts
Guillaume Vogels
Fleurs et fruits, ca. 1883
Javacheff Christo
Wrapped Coast (Project for Australia), 1969
Henri de Braekeleer
Lezende vrouw, 1878
James Ensor
Marine in blauw