Nude on a bed (Boitsfort)
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Rik Wouters

Nude on a bed (Boitsfort)

Galerie Oscar de Vos

Date c. 1914

Period 1910-1920

Origin Gallery

Medium Watercolor and ink on paper

Dimension 20 x 24 cm (7⁷/₈ x 9¹/₂ inches)

Date: c. 1914

Period: 1910-1920

Origin: Gallery

Medium: Watercolor and ink on paper

Dimension: 20 x 24 cm (7⁷/₈ x 9¹/₂ inches)

Provenance: - Galerie Georges Giroux, Brussels, no. 309.

Literature: Avermaete, R., Rik Wouters (Brussel: Arcade, 1962), p. 219.

Exhibition: 1922, Brussels, Galerie Georges Giroux, no. 309.
1923, Antwerp, Salon van Kunst van Heden.

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Galerie Oscar de Vos

Latem School paintings, works on paper and sculptures, (post-) Impressionism, Symbolism, Expressionism, Surrealism and modern Belgian art

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