Josef Hoffmann
Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna
Date 1914/16
Period Vienna, 1914/16
Origin Austrian
Medium Bent beech wood and plywood
Dimension 92 x 46 x 41 cm (36¹/₄ x 18¹/₈ x 16¹/₈ inches)
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann, Vienna, 1914/16
Executed by: J. & J. Kohn, model no. T 826
Bent beech and plywood, ebonized, surface professionally repolished, very nice condition
H 92 cm, SH 46 cm, W 46 cm, D 41 cm
Josef Hoffmann designed the chairs for both the drawing and the dining room of Berta Zuckerkandl's apartment in a corner house on Vienna’s Ringstraße/Oppolzergasse. In its dining-room, walls, ceilings, curtains and the lampshade fabric were decorated with a leaf pattern designed by Arthur Berger, thus making a symbolic reference to a pergola. Material of the same pattern also decorated the salesroom of the Wiener Werkstätte fashion department in Kärntner Straße. This sales room was also furnished with identical chairs, previously designed by Hoffmann for the dining room in Berta Zuckerkandl’s apartment.
Date: 1914/16
Epoque: Vienna, 1914/16
Origine: Austrian
Medium: Bent beech wood and plywood
Dimension: 92 x 46 x 41 cm (36¹/₄ x 18¹/₈ x 16¹/₈ inches)
Provenance: private property, Austria
Literature: J. & J. Kohn sales cat., 1916, p. 18; E. F. Sekler, Josef Hoffmann, Das architektonische Werk, Salzburg, 1982, p. 376; G. Renzi, Il mobile moderno, Gebrüder Thonet Vienna, Jacob & Josef Kohn, Milan, 2008, p. 259
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