Antique diamond cluster obong panel clasp, with fittings for two rows, larger old European cut stone to the middle
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Antique diamond cluster obong panel clasp, with fittings for two rows, larger old European cut stone to the middle

S.J. Phillips Ltd

Date c.1880

Period 19th century

Medium Diamond

Dimension 1.8 x 0.8 cm (0³/₄ x 0³/₈ inches)

To a ground of smaller cushion and old cut brilliant diamonds, open cut down collet set in silver and gold.

Weight: 3g

Date: c.1880

Period: 19th century

Medium: Diamond

Dimension: 1.8 x 0.8 cm (0³/₄ x 0³/₈ inches)

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S.J. Phillips Ltd

Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver

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