LEPORELLO "THE FOUR SEASONS" with eight scenes from the four seasons
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Carl Krenek

LEPORELLO "THE FOUR SEASONS" with eight scenes from the four seasons

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Date 1906

Origine Austrian

Dimension 36 x 29 cm (14¹/₈ x 11³/₈ inches)

and executed:
Krenek, Vienna, 1906

Cover printed
with artist’s mark, printed on back: "cut and printed by Carl Krenek,
Vienna 1906".

Ten woodblock
prints on China paper

edition of
50 copies

each 36.3
x 29.3 cm

Newly added cat. no. H21/27

Date: 1906

Origine: Austrian

Dimension: 36 x 29 cm (14¹/₈ x 11³/₈ inches)

Literature: Deutscher Almanach 1907, p. XIII

Découvrez la galerie

Bel Etage, Wolfgang Bauer, Vienna

Viennese Jugendstil, Secessionist Movement

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