Libation Table
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Libation Table

David Aaron

Period 1st Century B.C - 1st Century A.D

Origin South Arabia

Period: 1st Century B.C - 1st Century A.D

Origin: South Arabia

Provenance: Most likely from Jawf, Yemen.
Previously in the Private Collection of Mr G.R., UK, prior to 1975, most likely prior to 1970
Antiquities and Primitive Art sale, Christie’s, London, 25 February 1975, lot 178
Studied by Christian Robin in 1977 and was included in part of his thesis
In the Collection of the well-known Swedish orientalist Oscar Anders Valfrid Löfgren (1898–1992), who was given
this libation altar on his ninetieth birthday on 13 May 1988 by his friends and colleagues for his substantial
contribution to South Arabian and Ethiopian philology
Private Collection of Mr F.A. (b.1934), France, from at least 1996
(accompanied by French cultural passport 045496, and Spanish export license).

Exhibition: Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, 25th October 1997 – 28th February 1998.
Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Saba, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 9th November 1998 – 21st February 1999.
Yemen Nel paese della regina di Saba, Palazzo Ruspoli, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, 6th April 2000 – 30th June 2000.
'La Regina di Saba, Arte e Leggenda Dallo Yemen' Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, 26th September 2000 – 30th June 2001.
Museo del Instituto Biblico y Oriental, León, Spain, 2009-2020.

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David Aaron

Specializing in Classical, Egyptian, Near Eastern, Islamic and Indian Works of art.

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