Minute Female Torso
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Minute Female Torso

Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Period Circa 1000-1800 AD.

Origin Thule culture, Alaska

Medium Mineralized walrus tusk (Odobenus rosmarus divergens).

Dimension 1.9 cm (0³/₄ inches)

E 294) A minute highly stylized female torso representing an ancestor. She is shown wearing the typical female top-knot coiffure and shows lightly defined breasts.

Period: Circa 1000-1800 AD.

Origin: Thule culture, Alaska

Medium: Mineralized walrus tusk (Odobenus rosmarus divergens).

Dimension: 1.9 cm (0³/₄ inches)

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Galerie Meyer-Oceanic Art

Tribal Art dealer specializing in early Oceanic Art since 1980 and archaic Eskimo Art since 2010

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