Boris Aldridge

(No.5) Ionia

Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Date 2018

Origin England

Dimension 15 x 21 cm (5⁷/₈ x 8¹/₄ inches)

 The Ionia

There’s a place so dear to me
A little house by the sea
Its walls hold memories
Of my friends and family

And I long once more to be
In amongst their company
We’ll laugh and we’ll sing
As the moon climbs silently

Oh little house by the sea
Your walls hold history
From my childhood to my teens
And into eternity

And I long once to see you
On the banks of Slaughden Quay
Beckoning out to me
My little house by the sea

Stock no.: S285

Date: 2018

Origin: England

Dimension: 15 x 21 cm (5⁷/₈ x 8¹/₄ inches)

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Amir Mohtashemi Ltd.

Indian,Islamic and Cross-Cultural Works of Art

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