Small vase overlay glass turquoise blue, green on ground white opaque decorated with longevity peach and foliage
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Small vase overlay glass turquoise blue, green on ground white opaque decorated with longevity peach and foliage

Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Date 18/19th century

Period 1750-1850, 18th century, 19th century

Origin China

Medium Glass

Date: 18/19th century

Period: 1750-1850, 18th century, 19th century

Origin: China

Medium: Glass

Provenance: succession de Mr et Mme R.S   ayant vecu a Bejing de 1900/1918
Acheté a Bejing en 1913 sous le N°36

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Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne

Fine Chinese Art and Snuff Bottles

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