A. Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier is a family-owned company specialising in antique Dutch silver dating form the sixteenth century onwards. The firm also deals in fine antique and period jewellery.
A. Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier has been exhibiting at the renowned international TEFAF Art and Antiques Fair in Maastricht since 1995, and has been participating in the PAN Amsterdam Fair since 1993.
A. Aardewerk Antiquair Juwelier is a member of The Royal Association of Fine Art Dealers in the Netherlands (Koninklijke Vereeniging van Handelaren in Oude Kunst) and of CINOA (Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d’Art).
Plus de 15 000 œuvres d'art provenant des meilleurs marchands d'art et d'antiquités du monde