Single stone ruby and diamond ring, set with an octagonal cut Burma ruby, 4.60ct,
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
Plus d'œuvres d'art de la Galerie
Louis XV rectangular chased four colour gold box by Johann Friedrich Buttner, Strasbourg c.1760,
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Bailey, Banks & Biddle
Art Deco natural pearl and diamond cluster brooch-pendant
Emerald and diamond flowerhead drop-swag cluster corsage brooch
Louis XVI oblong gold and enamel gold box by Jean-Joseph Barriere, Paris 1788,
Antique peridot, white enamel and 18ct gold pendant chain necklace, c.1890, with fancy hexagonal cut peridots,
Antique gold double hinged locket on long gold chain, the large carved double hinged oval locket opening on one side to reveal a portrait of a smartly dressed gentleman