Agate, cabochon sapphire and diamond bangle, French,
S.J. Phillips Ltd
Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver
Plus d'œuvres d'art de la Galerie
Emerald and diamond panel brooch
Demande de prix
Early 20th century plique-à-jour enamel and diamond butterfly brooch, c.1905, converting for wear as either a diadem or a hair comb,
Diamond navette cluster bracelet
Late 19th century diamond tremblant butterfly brooch, c.1890, naturalistically modelled,
Pair of diamond and emerald palmette double clip brooches forming a bracelet by Cartier, Paris, the clips converting to form the centre of a three row cultured pearl bracelet,
Gold, lapis lazuli and turquoise bead cluster bracelet by Cartier, the slim gold gaspipe strap topped by a central grouping of articulated beads,