Three colour gold rectangular basketweave box
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Three colour gold rectangular basketweave box

S.J. Phillips Ltd

Date c.1820

Period 19th century

Origin Swiss

Dimension 5.5 x 3.7 x 1.5 cm (2¹/₈ x 1¹/₂ x 0⁵/₈ inches)

With shallow waisted sides, basketweave panels and ropetwist rims, the cover inset with a flush hinged lid opening on a ropetwist circle handle, centred by an applied floral spray of leafy rose blooms in red and lemon gold in relief upon the basketweave ground, flush within a trefoil and lappet border in red and lemon gold on sable ground, apparently unmarked.

Weight: 44.5g

Date: c.1820

Period: 19th century

Origin: Swiss

Dimension: 5.5 x 3.7 x 1.5 cm (2¹/₈ x 1¹/₂ x 0⁵/₈ inches)

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S.J. Phillips Ltd

Jewellery, Bijouterie, Snuff Boxes, Miniatures & Silver

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