Marcel Stobbaerts


Ronny Van De Velde

Medium Olie op doek

Dimension 121 x 99 cm (47⁵/₈ x 39 inches)

Medium: Olie op doek

Signature: Gesigneerd Marcel Stobbaerts rechtsonder

Dimension: 121 x 99 cm (47⁵/₈ x 39 inches)

Provenance: Claude Aguettes S.A.S., Paris 4.4.2012, Lot 143
Priveverzameling, Europa

Literature: Pierre Loze, Dominique Vautier, Art Déco Belgique 1920-1940, Musée d’Ixelles, 1988, nr. 128

Exhibition: Brussel, Museum van Elsene, Art Déco Belgique 1920-1940, 1988

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Ronny Van De Velde

19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings

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