Images inventées Ontwerp van Serge Vandercam
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Serge Vandercam

Images inventées Ontwerp van Serge Vandercam

Ronny Van De Velde

Period 20th century

Medium Affiche

Dimension 43 x 28.5 cm (16⁷/₈ x 11¹/₄ inches)

Period: 20th century

Medium: Affiche

Dimension: 43 x 28.5 cm (16⁷/₈ x 11¹/₄ inches)

Literature: Xavier Canonne, Experimentele fotografie in België, Galerie Ronny Van de Velde, Knokke, 2018, p. 156 ill. en p. 280 ill.

Exhibition: Knokke, Huib Hostes Huis, Experimentele fotografie in België, 2018

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Ronny Van De Velde

19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, graphic design, photography, vettings

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